To isolate and amplify your brand’s absolute essence.

To isolate and amplify your brand’s absolute essence.

Brand Animism is an intentional design studio that specializes in brand identity and deliberate communications. We’re a passionate band of renegade creatives unified by a shared belief:

image of text that says "everything is ALIVE."

It’s a way of looking at the world that reveals beauty in places we never expected. Whether it’s real or not is impossible to prove. What’s important to us (and our partners) is how it transforms our thinking in effective and inspiring ways.

a faded blue orb to purple extremity gif

When we see our efforts
as part of something larger,
we gain access to larger ideas.
That’s the byproduct of an
animist viewpoint: you start
to care a bit more, which
translates into meaningful
solutions that make
lasting impressions.

This awareness is infused into everything we do. It’s helped illuminate several principles that guide our work:

  • When your vision is so clear it feels clairvoyant, crisis becomes a gift. It’s just an opportunity to enhance your approach to the inevitable.

  • Nor is any item or industry.

    When conventional wisdom tells us otherwise, rich opportunity awaits.

  • There is no greater force for change than when altruism and self-interest align.

a blue orb with a faded top

We consider ourselves professional collaborators.

We consider ourselves professional collaborators.

We see our clients as equal partners.
We see the brands in their charge
as our guiding light. We’ve cared
for startups that have grown
exponentially and revitalized
brands left for dead.

When we view your brand as an
expression of life, it responds with
a vibrancy impossible to ignore.
It’s how we help our partners find
the path of least resistance and
greatest resonance.

an eclipse-like arc in blue

Brand Animism was founded in 2022 by Matthew Rudnicki, a seasoned brand builder, writer, and creative director. He is also the founder of My Dentist’s Son (a place for stories that don’t fit) and lives in Vermont with his partner and three children.