a gif with radiating sunlike rays that has the word ALIVE in the middle
an image that says "imagine your brand is"

That’s the question at the heart of
Brand Animism, a branding and
design discipline that considers the
sentience of your organization and
the agency it possesses.

It’s a filter to hold lightly, but one
that can gently shift our mindset,
inviting sensitivity to frequencies
we may not have noticed.

Ultimately, it’s a path to uncovering
the absolute essence of your brand
and how that may inform your
stewardship of it.

an image of text saying "what would it tell us?"
a white half circle facing left

Formulating a “strategy” can feel like
telling a tree how to grow.

Uncover the story that’s meant to
express itself and the mystery
behind growth dissipates.

Don’t devise.

Don’t invent.

Don’t even create.

Your brand will tell you what it needs.
All you have to do is ask.

a white half circle facing right

Belief isn’t mandatory.
Openness is.

a gif of two nested circles opening in half like a nested doll and then closing

When we journey to the heart of
your brand, we uncover a mother
lode of genetic information; a source
of instruction used to decipher the
conditions needed for robust

Isolating and adhering to these
directives can greatly amplify the
efforts of your organization.

Our work becomes simple:
tend to the path dictated,
stay out of the way.

Some recent/current collaborations —


Every collaboration we undertake is as unique as the clients we partner with, but at its core—whether it’s concert artwork, a campaign speech, or a complete brand redesign—our approach always touches upon three key themes:

  • Illuminating the singular force that powers your brand.

  • Envisioning and connecting to your most resonant future.

  • Identifying the cultural currents conspiring in your favor.

Once we’ve established these fundamentals, we can broadcast and amplify the truths of your organization. They are invitations we extend to those we are meant to collaborate with and those aligned with our vision.

We’ve helped companies achieve things they didn’t believe were possible.

We’d like to do the same with you.
Expanding the influence of your
brand may be easier than you think.